Our Little Lady

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

39 weeks -- 273 days

My favorite!!  I was worried she'd
turn into one of these :)
Time left: 
0-7 days
0-1 week

Size of Baby:
weight = a little over 7 lbs.
length = 20 inches

Fruit comparison ----}

Well, I called it.  While I was hoping for Harper's birthday to be 11/11/11 I had a feeling deep down that she'd actually be arriving closer to her due date since we know the exact date of conception.  I'm getting the wonderful comments at work:
  • You're still here?
  • Hope I don't see you after this weekend.
  • You look like you're going to pop!
  • I'm pretty sure that you grew over the weekend.
Now, I do have outfits that make me look a little larger than I am, but overall I still don't feel that I look like I'm about to give birth to a human.  My reply was for them to not be surprised when they see me at work next week either because I don't feel like she's planning on going anywhere anytime soon.  Honestly, the more I think about it the more I have the feeling that she's going to be a Thanksgiving baby.  If that is the case and you are planning on visiting us in the hospital, you must bring a Thanksgiving side dish as your admission ticket.

Another thing that I've been thinking about now that labor and delivery is in sight is the epidural.  I sigh as I type this, but I'm starting to second guess my thoughts on an unmedicated delivery.  Of course I would still like to try to go as long as possible without an epidural, but I'm starting to think that an epidural is also going to be in my future.  Maybe that is just how I feel today, but it must be put out there.  I'm starting to mentally buckle under the pressure and once your mind goes your body follows.  Maybe I can build my confidence back up before D-day.

I think it's so odd how your thought process changes throughout pregnancy.  Before we actually got pregnant out thoughts were:
  • I hope we're able to get pregnant.
  • What if something's wrong and we can't get pregnant?
  • How long should we wait before we get a doctor's help getting pregnant?
After you are actually pregnant you have these thoughts:
  • Is that feeling normal?
  • Why am I so tired?
  • I hope we don't lose the baby.
Now at the end of my pregnancy I notice I'm wondering:
  • Is that a symptom of labor?
  • What if labor doesn't start on its' own?
  • I hope I don't have to have a C-section.
  • Epidural - should I or shouldn't I?
Unfortunately I don't think that this will be my last weekly post even though it probably should be.  I don't feel like I'm anywhere near labor just because I feel the same as I always do.  Harper's still right up under my boobs, I'm not waddling, and I'm not having any "labor" symptoms.  Last doctors appointment I was dilated 1cm and 50% effaced.  I go again tomorrow and am expecting the same results. 

Weight gain:  starting weight = 140 lbs.
                        current weight = 177 lbs.
                        total weight gain = 37 lbs.

My Body:



  1. I got a piece of advice (which I am sure that you are tired of hearing! so I'm sorry to give more) about the epidural. My midwife said to stay home as long as possible when you start labor. If you are not at the hospital epidural isn't an option :) So if your water doesn't break, you usually can spend a lot of time in labor at home in comfort. My water broke at home and I had to go in, but that may not happen to you :) I know you're strong, so if you don't want one, I don't think you'll get one!

  2. Jess, more unsolicited that I am sure all the hippie-dippy, tree-hugging, natural-birth giving Mom's (I have mad respect for FYI) are going to give me hell for. Get the damn epidural if you want it. Have your contractions, let them get to the point where you are honestly uncomfortable and then let the beautiful anesthesiologist take all of the pain be taken away. You can still feel the pressure, at least I could, but none of the pain. Because lets be honest... You have watermelon coming out of your whoo-ha! :)

    Good Luck and of course let me know if there is anything I can do from my end!

  3. Yeah. I'm going to play it by ear. At this point I just hope that I'm able to avoid being induced. I REALLY don't want that. You guys are awesome. Thanks for helping to encourage and empower me!

  4. Jessica, you will know exactly what to do when the time comes - you know your body so well! If your labor is short-&-sweet you probably won't need an epidural. If it's a longer labor you'll be able to conserve your energy more if you get the epidural & won't be so wiped out when THE time comes to completely push her out. So just keep the anesthesiologist close, it's not a weakness to get one - just a wonderful option. Bryan will also be a big help too!

    I love you guys so much & I hope Harper comes out short-&-sweet.

