**The great wait has begun**
According to my own opinion, we are now in the 'red zone'. You know, that point in the football game where you're THIS close to a touchdown but you're not sure when exactly it's going to happen. I have deemed the last two weeks of this pregnancy the 'red zone'. We even have it boxed off and highlighted on the calendar. Since we know the date of conception I'm not expecting to go over my due date (some of you all do according to your votes on Harper's birthdate poll - thanks for that) so I'm going to assume that anytime between right now and November 22nd we could be having a baby. I'd like to say that my nesting instincts have finally kicked in since we're so close to baby time, but that would be a complete and total lie. At this point I am basically convinced that I just don't have the instinct to nest and prepare for baby. Now, I do look around the house in disgust and say, "We really need to clean up," but the problem is that we'll clean something like the dishes or laundry and it pretty much ends there. I shouldn't be too surprised that I haven't gotten out the toothbrush to clean the grout in the kitchen tiles since this whole pregnancy I've felt like my regular self. My regular self would not be cleaning base boards, vacuuming out the fireplace, or organizing our junk five different ways.
We did finally pick a daycare this week. Our last big decision before she arrives. It's a relief. Now I just wish I knew how normal people afford daycare and still have some resemblance of a financial life. The only thing going for us there is that I have summers off when we don't have to pay.
I have also started packing the handy, dandy hospital bag. Harper's bag was easy to get ready: picture outfit, going home outfit, pacifiers, hats, baby bag, socks, and done. My bag is not so easy. How the hell am I supposed to know what I'm going to need in the hospital? Some people have listed the contents of their hospital bag on Baby Center and some of them sound ridiculous. So much stuff for 2-3 days. Right now I have: socks, pj pants, nursing tank tops, change for the vending machine, camera, battery charger, check book, and papers to register Harper with her new pediatrician. I can't put in toiletries, make up, or going home clothes because those are things that I use every day. It also says to pack snacks but God only knows what I'll want or what Bryan will want while we're in there.
I do feel kind of weird when people ask if I'm getting excited/anxious. I don't feel like I give them the response that they are looking for. You know, that beaming ray of sunshine that shoots out of an expectant mother's @ss. I just don't have that. Of course I'm excited, but expressing that to other people feels kind of fake to me. I'm sure that my reaction to that question leaves people wondering, but my mom knows that reaction all too well. I was that kid that opened her Christmas presents, was excited on the inside, and looked all "ho-hummy" on the outside. She told me many times that she never knew if I liked my presents because she could never see it on my face or in my expressions. Same thing here. I think that I'm more curious than "excited". Yesterday in yoga the room was so hot that I was sweating. Sweating to the point where I wondered if my water had broken. While funny, it was true. I've never had a water break experience before. It could have been real. So that is what I'm dealing with right now. Those looming questions:
- I feel a little blah this morning -- is that labor?
- Braxton Hicks contractions -- three in thirty minutes -- is that labor?
- Quick, sharp pain in my side -- is that labor?
- Pressure in my lower abs -- is that labor? Did she drop?
- When will my water break? At school? In the car? While I'm sleeping? Not at all?
- Where is this damn mucus plug that everyone seems to be losing? Did I lose mine and not notice?
What I do know is that this is all going to result in Bryan and I bringing out daughter into the world. That is a certainty; probably the only one. What I don't know is what the process will be like. I'm approaching this labor thing the same way that I approached my first 5k, then 10k, then half-marathon, triathlon, and finally marathon; with confidence and uncertainty. That is what excites me. I know, I'm weird. I'm not scared of labor because I'm too curious. Can I handle the pain? Will I cave and get the epidural? Will it take over 24 hours or will labor be as "easy" as my pregnancy has been? I'm sick and twisted but I can't help it -- I ran a half-marathon 7 months pregnant for God's sake. I must like pain. Scratch that. I love a good challenge and this may be the biggest one of my life. Bring it on.
Time left: 0-2 weeks
0-14 days
Size of baby:
weight = 6.8 lbs.
weight = 6.8 lbs.
length = 19.6 inches
fruit comparison --------}
Harper: She is officially ready to meet the world. Bryan jokes about my belly button; that it's like the turkey timer. According to my belly button she's not quite ready to be born yet, but close. My belly button is now flat. It pokes out a little when I'm sitting or I force it out. Other than that, there is nothing new to report on Harper other than she's all cooked and ready to say hello to all of her faithful readers out there. Not long now.
Weight gain: starting weight = 140 lbs.
current weight = 175 lbs.
total weight gain = 35 lbs.
My Body:
Harper: She is officially ready to meet the world. Bryan jokes about my belly button; that it's like the turkey timer. According to my belly button she's not quite ready to be born yet, but close. My belly button is now flat. It pokes out a little when I'm sitting or I force it out. Other than that, there is nothing new to report on Harper other than she's all cooked and ready to say hello to all of her faithful readers out there. Not long now.
Weight gain: starting weight = 140 lbs.
current weight = 175 lbs.
total weight gain = 35 lbs.
My Body:
Capri leggings and a short sleeved tunic - that is my kind of November for sure!
The Nursery: is basically finished. Just a few touches here and there. Doesn't mean I can't share some new cute things that show up on our doorstep. I'm going to miss having packages show up on our doorstep. So exciting!!
Harper's rattle/animal/blanket - thank you eBay! |
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