Our Little Lady

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Unofficial 10k

This morning was my first 'run' since the Shamrock half, which was two days after we found out we were pregnant.  I was a little weary about running.  I am still at the gym 3-4 days a week and I do still run with my girls on Monday and Thursday afternoons but nothing more than 2 miles outside.  I know that if I do not make an attempt to keep up my regular fitness level I'm going to lose it all and not be able to work out like I would like to.  So I went for it.  My running partner, DD, still doesn't know that I'm growing a tiny human but he's really good about me running however I want.  Lucky for me, he is trying to work off an injury and suggested doing a slower, steady 6 miles (ended up being 6.2).  Perfect!  And still, I felt normal.  I think I need another ultrasound because I'm going back to thinking that there's nothing in there.  Other than the fact that I have a muffin top in some of the pants I wear, which happens when I put on a few pounds anyway, I still don't feel like I'm pregnant (not complaining, just saying).
Support belt for running

Being able to trot out a 10k got me thinking, as usual.  Maybe if I can keep up my level of fitness and if I get myself one of those belly things for runners, I could jog/walk the Virginia Beach Rock 'n' Roll Half-marathon Labor Day weekend. I will be just about 29 weeks at that time.  I'm thinking yes.  On Thursday when I go back to the doctor I'm going to see what she says.  She better say yes too :)


  1. HAHAH... DD did make a comment an interesting comment that day. He said you both were going at a slower pace. Yet, you seemed to be working harder than usual. That you even seemed a little winded. This explains it!

  2. Please excuse the typos in my comment. I think faster than I type ;)

  3. Yes. That is why I was slower and more winded than usual. I just have to get used to it :)
