Our Little Lady

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 4, 2011

7 weeks

Today I am 7 weeks pregnant.  Apparently our baby looks like this now.  I'm still beyond baffled that turns into a human.  My first appointment is in a week and two days.  I wonder if they're going to do an ultrasound.  Maybe with these pictures I'll be able to make out the picture of the baby unlike Rachel in Friends.  Haha.  I loved that show.  Anyway.  Maybe they'll just listen for a heartbeat.  I don't know.  All I know is that they better make sure there's actually something in there because I don't have any symptoms still (knock on wood).  
Blueberry baby!

I do feel queasy in the morning until I eat something for breakfast and I feel little stretches in my lower abdomen, but that's about it.  Right now I'm watching I didn't know I was pregnant and let me tell you what, if we weren't trying to have a baby... I probably wouldn't know I was 7 weeks pregnant right now.  
Still wearing the same clothes, I weight 137.2 according to my scale which is the same that I have weighed for a while now, and there definitely isn't any bump emerging.  I'm happy that you can't look at me and tell because we still have 5 more weeks to hide this and I'm going home soon for spring break.
Oddly, my mom told me last night that she had a dream that my bestie, RF, had another baby and asked if she was pregnant.  I almost choked.  My mom was certain that she had some dream premonition that someone close to her was pregnant.  For once her wacky dreams were right just wrong person.
It's me mom!

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