Our Little Lady

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

First Appointment

Today we had our first prenatal appointment.  When I made the appointment I had to ask how long it would take so that I could take off of work.  They told me it could take up to two hours!!  I'm glad that it only took one, phew.  Hub met me at the doctor's office, which is super nice by the way; they just opened the new branch a week ago.  Let me tell you what, I have the best OB ever.  Everyone is so nice, especially when you're pregnant.
We went back and I talked with the nurse who gave me a folder of information ranging from nutrition, to prenatal screenings, to delivery information.  I was like, "Whoa!".  One thing at a time people.  Like I said in a previous post, I'm not quite convinced there's a little T in my belly.  I was a little disappointed that I wasn't going to get an ultrasound this appointment but the doctor said that she wanted one within a week to date the baby and all that good stuff.  Too bad when I went to check out the lady scheduled me for my ultrasound on May 3rd (that's definitely not next week).  I will probably call and push for an earlier appointment since I'll be on spring break next week.
This appointment wasn't very astronomical.  Hubs got to witness me getting violated by the doctor, which thoroughly disturbed him (hehe) and I got a bunch of blood drawn.  The doctor says that "I feel" about 8 weeks - I'm glad she could feel something because I definitely do not.  Guess I'll find out for sure in about 3 weeks.

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