Our Little Lady

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Food Revolution

I may have finally achieved freedom from food! 

I have been on Weight Watchers for the past five years.  While it has successfully prevented me from gaining ridiculous ammounts of weight, it has also made me obcessed with food.  This food obcession is not necessarily a good thing.  While I did not "binge" on chips and sweets before, I found myself losing control around them.  I couldn't just have one bite or a few chips.  It was all or nothing.

My body also did not feel the need to tell me when it was full.  Not good at all.  So I would eat myself into oblivion and then feel like death afterwards.  Hubs never understood how I couldn't tell that I was full. 

So here I am.  Seven weeks pregnant and enjoying a food revolution!  No, I don't have any crazy cravings or extreme morning sickness.  What I do have, I feel, is a normal body... finally.  I feel hungry at normal times (right now it's every 2-3 hours), I feel full after eating something as little as a banana for a snack, and my body is actually rejecting stuff that I really shouldn't be eating.  Sadly, because of that last factor, I have given up ice cream.  Even when I take Lactaid with it, I wake up feeling nautious and disgusting the entire next day.  Tried it twice, no more for me thanks.

The hardest part was acutally accepting the fact that I would have to give Weight Watchers up during the pregnancy.  You calculate everything you put into your mouth for five years and then all the sudden stop.  It's hard.  I do still write my food down but I don't track "points".  Since Weight Watchers has given me the knowledge to make healthy choices, I am no longer at its' mercy.  I honestly excpected to immediately gain five pounds after cutting myself off from Weight Watchers, but I haven't.  I have actually lost a pound, which is fine with me since I'm only supposed to gain 1-5lbs. in the first trimester.  I have 4 1/2 more weeks to put a pound or two on.

I have also given up coffee/caffine.  I'm allowed to have 200mg a day but I thought, "what the hell?" and tossed it.  I'm tired, very tired, but I haven't gone on any murderous rampages yet so I'll chalk that up as a win.

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