Today we are nine weeks along. Hard to believe that there are only 31 weeks left and I STILL don't feel pregnant. According to my book the tiny one is the size of a grape now. Kind of makes me not want to eat grapes, you know? Creepy. I have also learned, after reading along some more, that all of the muscles, organs, and nerves are in place and beginning to function. The big plus is that tiny "T" no longer has a tail! That is always a plus. I guess he/she is going to take after its' older brother Kale. Well, he has a nubbin tail... I'm going to retract that previous statement now. It can resemble a regular human child instead of its' fur brothers.
Hubs keeps calling tiny "T" her and she while my bestie, RF, keeps referring to it as "he". At this point I have no clue. RF thinks it's a boy because I'm having similar symptoms to her pregnancy, which were little to none, and she has a boy. But after talking to my mom about when she was pregnant with me and my sister, I found out that she really didn't have any symptoms either. So I'm at a loss. No idea which it will be. My books says gender organs have formed but aren't going to be visible for weeks. If we do go in around 20 weeks to find out the sex that will be the week of July 4th. It seems like so far away but I know it will be here before I know it.
Still feel great, working out normally, and I weigh in at 141lbs. I started out at 140lbs. and have been eating when hungry, which isn't all that often. Maybe that's the version of morning sickness that I've been given. If it is, I'll take it. I will tell you what though, allergy season is NOT the time to be pregnant. I have severe spring allergies. There are mornings when I'll wake up to my eyes being sealed shut from watering all night long. Since I'm pregnant I'm not able to take my normal barrage of allergy drugs, which consist of a double does of prescription strength pills + nose spray + eyedrops + the occasional Benedryl in between the prescription. Nope, now I'm restricted to over the counter Claritin once a day and a Benedryl at night to help me sleep. Horrible. Up until today it has actually worked out pretty well. Now that I'm back home for the week in the mountains, my old allergies are stirring. It feels like nothing is working. If there ever comes a day where I can prove that snot has some valuable medicinal quality, like cures Cancer, then I will be a millionaire because I am a human snot factory. Disgusting. Thankfully when I head back to the coast this misery will be left behind.
Fun baby facts: we have now been able to tell our closest friends, my father-in-law, my mom/step-dad/sister, and my one out of five sets of great-grandparents. That's right. This kid is going to have FIVE sets of great-grandparents and FOUR sets of grandparents. What a lucky kiddo. I guess our parents' divorces and re-marriages are going to benefit someone, which is a happy thing. That is one thing that we are excited about. Our kids won't know much of anything about divorce. Hubs' mother and father are both remarried, my mom is remarried, and my dad never remarried. I can't wait until we're able to go over to my mother-in-law's this weekend to tell them! I wish we all lived a bit closer so we could have told all of our parents at the same time, or at least the same weekend. Since we wanted to tell them in person it's taking a bit longer than we would have liked. I still haven't figured out when I'm going to travel over to Maryland to tell my grandparents, grandmother, and dad. Right now it's looking like Thursday 4/21.
We've also picked out some wall decorations for the nursery and I think we found a crib set that we like. We've only looked online so far so we'll have to go check it out in person. Next weekend I'm going browsing with bestie so that she can start showing me what to buy and what to avoid.
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