Our Little Lady

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Exposure to Friends

This past week I have seen two of my good friends in person.  It didn't used to be this hard to just go hang out.
What should I wear?   Am I bloated?  Will the think I look like I've gained weight (I haven't but my pants are starting to get a little tight)   What if they try to get me to drink?  Will they find it weird when I refuse?

Thursday night
I met up with NP for a light dinner at Chili's.  In one of my earlier posts I mentioned how she wanted to take me to this awesome sushi place and I didn't know how I was going to get out of it.  I found a way.  Well, a way found me.  She wanted to hang out on Thursday night and I already had plans so I made her a part of them.  It worked out great!  We had chips/salsa/salads and a great time at Chili's and then went over to the movie theater to meet up with AK and DD to watch the documentary "My Run".  The movie was great.  Not as good as "The Spirit of the Marathon" but it was still good.  I am glad that NP liked it as well. She's not into running the way that AK, DD, and I are so I wasn't sure how she'd like a documentary about a man who ran a marathon every day for 75 days.  I had a great time and never felt the, "they know I'm pregnant" moments.

Friday night
Here was the real challenge.  My bestie, RF, and I only see each other a few times a month.  I realized that it had been a while since we hung out so I posed that we do something this weekend.  She suggested Friday night.  So, we decided to have an impromptu game night at her house.  Well, she has a 1 year old whom I LOVE and I have asked her 18,000 questions throughout her pregnancy and the first year of his life.  Now, when I want to spill the beans, she's the one I want to tell and can't!!!  Hubs and I debated telling them on the drive over.  I'm already convinced that she knows because of some kind of bestie ESP.  I feel like she reads my vibes and facial expressions.  This friend encounter was going to be more difficult because I was 95% sure that there would be wine involved.  Last time this happened I was getting ready to run a half-marathon and always swear off alcohol before.  This time, no excuse.  We played SceneIt, Farkle, and Uno.  Over 4 hours of feeling like she was reading my pregnant vibes.  This was horrible because I know that I don't have a good poker face at all.  Out came the wine and with it, four glasses... sh*t.  I said that I was already exhausted (true) and that if I had any wine I wouldn't last very long.  Bestie came back with a, "it's a light, white - you should be fine"  sh*t.  So at this point I laugh softly and shrug the drink off.  Worried that the jig was up (I never turn down wine) I decided to grab Hubs glass, put it to my lips, and appear to try it.  I gave my opinions on how it was light but it was almost like a juice so I'd pass.  Did my plan work?  Hubs didn't know what I was doing and got a horrified look on his face (haha).  I had to explain my master plan hours later in the car ride home.  Later a bottle of red wine was cracked and I swear it smelled like Kahula and stated that out loud.   Bestie gave me another curious look.  Sh*t.  I decided to just keep my freakin' mouth shut about anything suspect the rest of the night.

If she doesn't know... she suspects.  When we do tell she's going to say something like, "I knew it!"  or "I thought you might be!"  It's bad enough that her Hubs discovered the baby naming book we bought back in November when we decided to start trying.  They know...  I know it...

Off friend topic, kind of baby development item from last night: I had to unbutton the top button of my jeans (sigh).  I felt like my uterus was getting crushed when I was leaning over to play games.  No good.

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