Our Little Lady

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 14, 2011

There really IS a baby in there!

It's been about a month since I started my secret pregnancy posts.  Until Easter they will remain secret.  

Well, if you have caught up on my stories, you know that I'm not quite convinced that I am actually pregnant.  The only 'symptoms' that I have are decreased appetite and exhaustion both of which I really wouldn't have thought twice about if I didn't get that positive pregnancy test.  The past week or two I have basically told Hubs that, "I'll believe it when I see it," which wasn't supposed to be until our first ultrasound on May 3rd.  The appointment lady said that was the earliest time she could get me in even though my doctor wanted me to have one either this week or next since we weren't sure about a due date.  I asked if she could call me if an appointment opened up.  I honestly didn't think I would hear from her.

Then this morning while the kids were at PE she called to see if I could come in... TODAY at 2:30pm.  Well, that really threw a wrench into my plans.  I wasn't planning on telling my principal, or anyone for that matter, until after the first trimester.  I was especially nervous about telling work because of the fact that I'm only a sub but am really hoping for a position next year.  Who wants to hire a pregnant lady?  I know, I know... "That's illegal," you say.  Yes, but it's still a little scary.  So now I was in the position where I had to ask to leave early and I was going to have to tell her why.  Hubs said not to worry and just do it.  So I did.  She guessed before I could even tell her anything.  Women's intuition? Either way she was ecstatic, gave me hugs, said I was 'glowing', and made sure that I did still want a job for next year if one were to open up.  Then she told me not to worry that she would have my class covered.  Excellent!!  This truly is my Heaven school in every way.

"Baby T" due 11/22/11
Hubs met me at the doctor's office, he also had to tell work because I was either pregnant or dying since this was my 2nd doctor's appointment in the past two days.  The ultrasound tech asked how far along I thought I was and we told her we were guessing about 8 weeks with a due date of 11/21/11.  She did her little ultrasound thing and what do you know?  There was a freakin' baby in my uterus!  Well I'll be dammed! There it was in all of its' jellybean-shaped glory.  Crazy fast heartbeat and little "T-Rex" arms. It was even wiggling around in there a little bit.  The first thing the tech said was, "Looks like there's only one little person in there."  Phew.  Then she said that I was 8 weeks 2 days pregnant and have a due date of 11/22/11.  We were pretty much dead on with our guess.  We got to hear the heartbeat too.  

I'm still holding strong for the kiddo to make an appearance on 11/11/11.  That is definitely in the realm of possibility.  You may say, "Tacky, cheesy, cliche'."  I say, "freakin' amazing!"

After getting pictures of our little T-Rex, as Hubs has nicknamed, we decided we couldn't hold it in any longer.  We began making a list of who and how to tell before the big Facebook reveal.  We made a few phone calls tonight to some friends, tomorrow we're surprising our 2nd set of besties, and then Saturday I'm off to tell my parents.  Parents get told in person with some cutesy gift or something extra special.  This weekend it's my parents and then next weekend, for Easter, we're going to travel to his parents.  So excited!  I think they're going to freak!

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