Our Little Lady

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Teaching with a Baby Bump

As you may know, I got a new job this year.  Normally I am a classroom teacher (elementary), but this year I am somewhat of a specialist instead.  I teach only math to small groups of students in grades 3-5.  Basically, I groups out of the classroom to work on math concepts that they are struggling with.  Well, because I don't have a classroom, the only time that I've seen/interacted with the students is when I'm on my morning duty post or at my afternoon post with the daycare van riders.

Today was my first day in a classroom; 5th grade.  I invited myself in so that I could float around and get to know the students while giving extra support to the teacher while she ran centers.  My belly was the hot topic as I went from group to group.

"Are you pregnant?"
"When are you due?"
"How pregnant are you?"
"My sister's birthday is November 25th."
"What are you having?"
"What is her name?"
"I think you should name her _________."
"Why don't you name her after you?"
"Did you want a girl or a boy more?"

I even got my first stranger belly touching experience from a 5th grade girl.  She just reached up and palmed my stomach.  Sigh.  She obviously has not been reading my blog about belly touching :)  Oddly I wasn't offended or irritated by the unwarranted hand plant.  It was a little weird though...

I go to 4th grade next and will then finish out the day in 3rd.  I wonder if the same fate awaits me.

I hope they get used to my pregnant self soon because it really distracted them from their math and from my help.

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