Our Little Lady

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, September 9, 2011

Surprise Delivery

This week I have been settling into my new job and my new daily routine.  Pregnant or not, going back to work full time after not working at all is a serious jolt to your system.  Here is my new daily breakdown:

  • Shower, make my lunch, and attempt to pick out my clothes the night before.  
  • Wake up at 5:15am - not to go to the gym anymore, but to get ready to leave for work.  I work two cities away again and have to plan out how long it takes to get there very carefully so that I don't get bogged down in heinous amounts of stupid people traffic.
  • Leave the house NO LATER than 6:15am to arrive to work at or slightly before 7am.
  • Work from 7:10am-2:40pm
  • Head home and attempt to clean the house, make dinner, and not take a 12 hour nap in the meantime.
I have not managed to save up enough energy to hit the gym at all this week.  I am hoping that I can change that next week.  I have barely had enough time to talk to anyone this week besides Bryan who, duh, lives here.  
So, when my mom called tonight I made sure to wait until I was settled in and ready to talk because I was hanging on by a thread.  I seriously considered going to bed at 8:30.  Oh, how my Friday nights have changed... 
Anyway.  When I called my mom back she asked a weird question, "Has anything been delivered to your house?"  Bryan and I laugh because for the past year we have been on the verge of flat broke.  I knew nothing had been delivered to either of us or left outside our garage door; I would have seen it.  She sounded slightly concerned so I put the phone down to check the front door, which we don't use, and inside the fence area.  When I opened the front door there were two huge boxes waiting outside!  How cool was that?  My aunt and grandma had sent baby shower gifts straight to our house early.  Awesome!!

First time parents trying to unmangle
a stroller.  We needed to use the directions.
We then decided that we are going to have
stroller speed drills to practice before Harper
gets here.

High chair - this was not as difficult to

I cannot tell you how exciting it was to get these things!  Bryan and I quickly put everything together and then tried them out.  Pushed the stroller around the house and slid the high chair up to the dining room table.  A big, blog thank you to my Aunt Marie and Grandma!  This whole baby thing is just getting more and more real.  Crazy!

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