Our Little Lady

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Why the Hell am I Crying!?

Ugh.  I cannot believe myself today.  I cried.  Not because I was sad, or hurt myself, or because I was watching a Lifetime movie... for no reason at all!  It came out of no where like a flash flood.  I was driving home from the gym after an excellent spin workout and was talking to B who has been in California for work for almost two weeks.  He was telling me about the next job he was being sent to... in Alaska!

Someone get my Cougar Town
reference, please!
Me on the inside, "That is freaking awesome!" (jumping up and down while clapping)

What came out on the outside, "Oh my gosh!  I want to go!" followed by choked up tears, which B noticed and asked if I was crying.  This, of course, made me cry harder while saying, "I don't know why I'm crying, I don't know why I'm crying but I can't stop!" This then led to, "I'm never going to get to go anywhere ever again because we'll have a baby and babies can't go anywhere fun."

All I have to say is my poor husband.  I felt so bad.  I could hear the tone of his voice.  So understanding.  He just kept saying that it's ok, my hormones are crazy because I'm pregnant, and that he'll make sure that we get to go places and have vacations.

Sigh... I went home and made myself a mixed berry smoothie for dinner and drank it from "Big Carl"

A girl can pretend can't she?

1 comment:

  1. FYI... you will get to travel. I expect to be called to baby sit so you can enjoy quality mommy and daddy time. I need my baby fix every so often, just ask brad. You guys can benefit!
