Our Little Lady

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Stupid Clothes!

Clothes shopping is hard enough as it is.  Now throw in the inevitability that I'm going to grow to a size that I've never been before makes it virtually impossible.  Since I need clothes ASAP I decided to head out to Old Navy where everything is cheap.  Unfortunately that also means that the clothes are the same... cheap.  All I wanted were some cute, flowy tops, sun dresses, and some kind of bathing suit.

Is my body just weird?  I know that plenty of people shop at Old Navy successfully, but man do those clothes look awkward on me.  I don't know what it is, but yuck!  On top of the awkwardness I'm in the dressing room pushing out my stomach to see if the clothes I picked out will work with my growing belly.  Just as I am not a mind reader, I am not a body/belly reader.

I did end up with 3 sun dresses (I got one in two different colors), one flowy top, two skirts that I have no clue what to pair with, and some excellent flip flops.  I bought the skirts because they were unbelievably comfortable and the sales lady was so nice that she talked me into them.  Now I have two skirts but no clue what tops to wear with them.  Can I get a stylist please?!

Lord help me because this is only going to get worse...
What do I wear with these skirts?

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