Our Little Lady

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 8, 2011

First Gender Dream

I have no 'feeling' on whether we're having a boy or a girl.  Really, none.  No clue, no idea.  When I told my bestie this she said that I'll eventually start having dreams about it.  Last night was my first one.  I almost didn't remember when I woke up.  It tried to wipe itself from my memory but without success!

Here it is:  Hubs went out and bought a gender test, which looked almost exactly like a pregnancy test.  The only difference was that instead of peeing on the stick, I had to put a drop of my blood on it. Weird, I know.  So we waited a few minutes until the lines started to show up.  There were 2, which according to the directions meant BOY!

So.  There is now a point for the boy side.  Now we just have to wait until July to find out of the baby is truly able to send me vibes from the womb.  I told Hub about the dream and he thinks I'm nuts.  We'll see Hubs, we'll see.

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