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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Week in Workouts (8/06-8/13)

I feel like I did some self-sabotaging last week with my workout plan.  While it was completely doable, I botched it.  Well, I am back and ready to try again but I'm going to go about it in a different way.  Instead of pre-planning my workouts, which ultimately led to my demise, I am just going to post what I do day to day.  I am hoping that I will be a little more successful that way.  It's also, hopefully, going to help that I'm not working anymore this summer since summer school ended last Thursday.  This should be ideal to give me time to clean, workout, and do whatever the hell I want during the day but it can also be a death trap for the lazy and unmotivated. 

Case in point, my Sunday:  Woke up at 9:30am, ate breakfast, napped from 1-3pm, watched TV, cooked dinner at 6:30pm, and will most likely end my night watching more TV.  Notice there was no mention of getting dressed and/or showering in that description.  I hate these kinds of days.  I feel like a, "Steaming pile of cow dung... figuratively speaking," for being a lazy waste of space.  I hope that on one chimes in with a, "But you're pregnant, you need your rest," because that is just stupid.  Probably as stupid as, "Remember, you're eating for two now," which is preposterous.  I liked what one of my friends posted on FB today, "Make your kids your reason for doing things instead of your excuse for not doing things."  I know that she's not actually out here yet, but there's no way in hell that I'm going to use her as an excuse for MY laziness.

I will be cutting the grass sometime tonight.  I promised Bryan I would since he's been in the baby's room all day de-popcorning, spackeling, and painting the ceiling.  He's done enough today.  Back to this week's workouts.

Monday 8/08/11
What I'm thinking:  interval cycle, 3 mile run outside, or 30-35 minutes on the cross-trainer.
What I actually did: 3.20 miles on the cross-trainer (35 minutes)

I am starting to doubt my status as a woman of steel.  The Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon is in LESS than 4 weeks and it's been so hot that I can't run outside.  All that really means is that I haven't been getting my long runs in on Saturday mornings.  Either we've been out of town or it's been hellatiously hot.  This week I'm going to have to go and give it a shot.  I figure I have 3 Saturdays left before the half.  If I can get a 6 miler this week, an 8 miler next week, and a 10 miler in the final week I will have a pretty good gauge on if I should go through with the half and/or how well I will do.  I can only hope that the heat breaks between now and then.  Hell, the heat can break for that day only and it'll be better.
Today's workout was good.  I was killing it on the cross-trainer.  I even got up to a 7/20, which is an improvement from 3/20.  Maybe I'm building my stamina back up?  No trouble with my heart racing or being short of breath.  I kept it at a good "pace" and resistance. 

Tuesday 8/09/11
What I'm thinking: 5:15am kettlebell, trying out a Zumba class, 40 min. on cross-trainer, or a combination of two of those kettlebell/Zumba, kettlebell/cross-trainer, Zumba/cross-trainer.
What I actually did: Zumba (60 min)

Word to the wise; don't go to sleep at 2am and expect to be awake at 4:50am to go to the gym.  Sigh.  I did not make it to kettlebells this morning.  The only good thing about that is today was group day.  I absolutely hate group kettlebell day because sometimes I can't keep up.  When we are doing stations we're all in groups of 2-3.  Every 2 minutes we switch activities.  It's nice because if I need to stop for a breather, I'm not throwing off the flow of the entire group.  I like to be in the front so that I can see so I feel like I can't stop if I get tired or need to change the size of my bell.  Oh well.  I guess now I'm going to go make an ass out of myself at Zumba.  Maybe I'll get lucky and the class will be full of old ladies and teachers since it's at 10:30am.

Zumba Breakdown: It was pretty great.  The room was PACKED.  I would guess that there were over 50 people in there easily.  I was surprised that so many people were in a 10:30am class, doesn't anyone work?  I hid in the back near the door in case I needed to make a quick escape.  I don't like awkward workouts so I positioned myself to make a mad dash if I felt like I wasn't getting my money's worth.  What's nice about the back of the room is that's where all of the new people hide.  I made a few newbie "friends" to be scared with before the class actually started.  All I have to say about Onelife Fitness is they get some jacked instructors.  I'm talkin' 0% body fat and they are damn good at the classes they teach.  This Zumba woman was amazing.  She had killer moves, but she also gave ques as to what was happening next so us losers in the back could attempt to keep up.   
Zumba lessons learned today:
  • I am, in fact, white... very white.  I thought at some point in my life that I had rhythm and could dance but I must have been in some drunkin' college haze at the time because this girl is about 5% rhythm 95% semi-awkward.
  • Not all black people can dance.  This lesson made me feel much better about myself.  There were awkward African-Americans in the crowd.  It was nice.  I thought that was just something they were blessed with.
  • Men have NO rhythm and don't follow directions very well.  There were a few men there this morning.  It was painful to watch.  I give them kudos for showing up, but that's about it.
  • The Latina women COULD all dance.  I watched them if I could see the instructor.  Amazing.
Sadly, this amazing instructor only teaches Tuesday mornings and every other Friday night.  If I'm not working I'm totally going to her class again.  I'm going to have to check out some others as well.  As for my plan to do a combo workout today.  I don't think I need to and I say that because of these two little words: butt sweat.
And that is all...

Wednesday 8/10/11
What I'm thinking: 40 min. cross-trainer (a.m.)  RPM Spin (p.m.)
What I actually did: 45 min. cross-trainer (4.2 miles)

Rocked it again on the elliptical.  My resistance was at a 5 when it used to be at an 8/9 but I feel like I'm still getting the same workout.  One thing I noticed about the gym today - it's very overstimulating.  Maybe that's why I hate running outside, there's nothing to look at.  While getting my elliptical on I was people watching, watching The Price is Right/Rachel Ray/The View, and listening to my iPod.  I will most likely not go back for spin tonight.  I really want to take the dogs to the beach and will try to talk Bryan into it.  I'm hoping that by 6:30pm it won't be 1800 degrees out so that I don't give Griffin heat stroke again.

Thursday 8/11/11
What I'm thinking: rest day or RPM spin
What I actually did:  I took a rest day.  I spent all morning outside, which was a nice change.  Finally it wasn't 800 degrees out.  Woke up early, took the dogs swimming at the beach, and then went to the pool with RH and AH for the rest of the morning.  I ended up sun-sucked.  Napped for 2 1/2 - 3 hours after lunch.  It felt good!  Then I hit up the grocery store to make dinner.  No room in there for an hour long spin class and that's okay by me.

Friday 8/12/11
What I'm thinking: 3 miles cross-trainer and weights (arms)
What I actually did: 3.2 miles on the elliptical (35 min)

In accordance with one of my previous posts: the gym is overstimulating.  Today I jumped on the elliptical in the Cardio Cinema room.  They were playing Blue Crush 2.  Why did anyone even make Blue Crush 2 is beyond me.  I came in at the end of the movie where all of the "drama" unfolds and there was very little surfing footage shown.  Seemed like a lame movie to me.  I was just happy to be hiding in a dark room while I worked out.  As the belly grows, my workout clothes shrink.  Today I wore some Nike compression shorts (super comfy) but when I went to try a shirt on, I was unpleasantly surprised.

Most of my go to running shirts are slowly creeping up my midsection.  Argh!!  I tried on a few and modeled them for Bryan because it was funny.  My little "beer gut" hanging out the bottom of my shirts. And then I went to my maternity workout shirts from For Two Fitness and headed out.  I liked hiding in the dark because I am starting to get a LITTLE self-conscious.  Do I look pregnant or do I look fat?  I'm not exactly sure.  Everyone says pregnant, but my belly isn't rounded out all the way yet and does appear, to me, a little squishy.  So there I am in the gym with a regular body (arms, back, legs, butt... all the same as they always are) with giant boobs and a beer gut.  Don't judge me.  Isn't it obvious that I have body issues?  I am the one that admitted a few short weeks ago that I never realized that I was skinny until I saw myself pregnant.  I have a complex, what can I say?  Now, when I'm all rounded out and still in the gym I will feel more awesome because I'm working out for two people while everyone else is sweating their asses off for just themselves.  Accomplished and entitled, yes.

Saturday 8/13/11
What I'm thinking: 6 mile trail run
What I actually did: 6.25 mile trail run

Pre-run Breakfast: A piece of toast w/peanut butter and honey and a banana
Liquid Consumed: 32 oz. water/Gatorade during run; 24 oz. water post-run
Bathroom breaks: two

First actual run in about a month.  Finally the weather wasn't completely heinous.  It was about 80 degrees but oddly enough that felt cool compared to what it's been.  It was nice to get back out on the trail especially since I got to run with a "new" running buddy today.  After five years I was able to get a run in with the one who started it all, my friend Analiese.  She was the one who talked me into running my first half marathon, which basically began my running career.  I found out today that she is also an awesome running buddy.  She ran with me when I could keep up and then went off on her own once she got warmed up.  I'm running a 12:30-13 minute mile.  I don't expect ANYONE to stay and shuffle with me.  I'm just happy that I have great friends who are willing to at least run at the same time as me, makes me feel better just in case something were to happen.
I felt good running today.  Slow, yes, but definitely not out of shape or tired.  Carrying around the extra weight is what is starting to take a toll.  I notice my knees getting sore and I'm having to push with my hips more.  I have no idea what the hell I did, but I feel like I pulled my vagina.  Yeah, yeah... you're laughing but I'm dead serious!  I started feeling it on the way back so, about 4 miles in maybe.  It's a consistent vagina pain where my legs connect to my body.  No, I'm not having contractions so shush.  Once I got going the pain subsided, but when I got home after sitting in the car for 20 minutes I could barely walk.  No fun.  Again, once I started moving and took a shower I started to feel better.  Lesson learned: stretch!!  What else happened?  Oh yes.  This morning I wore my tank from For Two Fitness, Nike compression shorts, and my green Old Navy running shorts over-top.  On my drive home my shorts were cutting into my lower stomach so bad that I had to take them off at a stoplight.  Thank God I'm talented like that.
I have decided that after the Rock and Roll VB Half Marathon I'm most likely done with outdoor running until after Harper comes.  I'll still go to the gym and all that, but my Saturday morning long runs will probably be put on hold until the new year.

1 comment:

  1. your vajayjay pain sounds like round ligament pain, I had that at the end of my pregnacy for a few weeks. I would start walking and end up limping because it hurt so badly! you can try a pregnancy support band thing, (sort of like a girdle thing), or going to the chiropracter, and google the double hip squeeze, that can help too ! Hope it goes away soon!
