**Welcome to the third and final trimester**
This morning I also discovered something that honestly disturbed me: grass stains on the INSIDE of my bra! You read that correctly. Grass stains on the INSIDE of my bra! Here ya' go Jeff Foxworthy; You might have ginormous boobs when... you have grass stains on the INSIDE of your bra! How did they get there you may ask? No, not because Bryan and I had a romantic romp on the lawn. They happened because I cut the stupid grass, debris got down my shirt (of course I didn't realize because of my ginormous boobs), and that debris proceeded to rub against the fabric on the inside of my bra causing grass stains.
Damage: None really. We'll have to pick up some twigs and bark from the trees in our yard and reattach the part of the gutter that carries water from the roof to the ground, but other than that we were unscathed. There is about 5 inches of water in the road in front of our house, but you can tell that it's already starting to recede. The dogs had a great time playing in it.
Chinese cabbage? I've never seen one of these guys before... |
Time Left: 12 weeks - 84 days
Size of Baby: weight = 2.25 lbs
length = 14.8 in.
Food comparison ------------------}
Harperville: Well, Harper is blinking, has eyelashes, and is beginning to develop her eyesight. She might even be able to see light coming through my skin and into her little sac. I remember when my friend RH was pregnant. I really wanted to see/feel him move and she told me that if we put a flashlight to her belly he might react to it. She laid down on my couch and we tried it. It worked! Guess I know what I'll be trying in the next few weeks.
Movement: Maybe Harper is going to be a really smart little girl because she seems to only move around a lot when I'm at school. I have only been back at work for four days now but I've noticed a difference between when I'm at home and when I'm at work. I wonder what it is. Could it be the captivating information? The argumentative talk amongst co-workers when something just doesn't work? The diligent cutting of paper? The chatter of procrastination? It's not like I sit more still than I do at home because, let's face it, when I'm at home I am nicely situated in the dent that I have created on my side of the couch. Seriously. I barely felt her yesterday and was starting to wonder if I should be concerned and now today it's like she's transformed into an alien plotting her escape through my belly button. It's very weird. It's like she's riding the waves in there. Seriously. It's to the point now where I can feel her rolling across the width of my stomach. I haven't seen any extremities popping up yet, but I have a feeling that will be happening soon. I bet Bryan will like that. It's too weird not to.
I have also decided what it feels like when she's moving and only I can feel it. It's like a muscle spasm, but one that lasts a little longer than quick movements.
Weight Gain: Starting weight = 140 lbs. Current weight = 164 lbs. Total weight gain = 24 lbs.
My Body: People at work (I just started a new job where I don't know anyone) were shocked to find out that I was 7 months pregnant and not 2-3 like some of them had thought. That made happy and confident that I don't look like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Woman.
Well, I finally have a complaint about maternity pants. You can't wear a belt with them! I know that sounds freakish because there shouldn't need to be a belt due to the delicious elastic band that holds your pants up, but what happens if the elastic band wears out? A friend of mine lent me some of her maternity clothes (thank God because I don't have ANY jeans) and a pair of jeans that fits perfectly has a worn elastic band. End result: potential plumber's crack/Lil' Wayne "more underwear than jeans" look. I've been at work now for a little over an hour and every time I have to get up I have to hike my jeans up to my boobs (don't get me started). What sucks is that these pants fit SO GOOD!! I'm going to have to find a solution to this problem because I will wear these pants again plumber crack or no.
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11 Weeks |
For comparison
This morning I also discovered something that honestly disturbed me: grass stains on the INSIDE of my bra! You read that correctly. Grass stains on the INSIDE of my bra! Here ya' go Jeff Foxworthy; You might have ginormous boobs when... you have grass stains on the INSIDE of your bra! How did they get there you may ask? No, not because Bryan and I had a romantic romp on the lawn. They happened because I cut the stupid grass, debris got down my shirt (of course I didn't realize because of my ginormous boobs), and that debris proceeded to rub against the fabric on the inside of my bra causing grass stains.
And now... you've heard it all...
Favorite Foods:
- waffles
- clam chowder
- I haven't had ANY watermelon this week (sad face)
Hurricane Irene: She hit our area in the early morning of Saturday, August 27th. Compared to Hurricane Isabel seven years ago this storm was nothing. Category I with wind speeds up to 80 mph. All that really happened was that it rained ALL day and into the night. The winds came and went. We could tell when we were entering a different band of the storm because the winds would die down out of no where and then suddenly gust up. In the morning we woke up to clear, blue, sunny skies.

-Beyonce' is pregnant.
-I started back to work after a long year of part-time work/unemployment.