Our Little Lady

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Week in Workouts (6/25-7/01)

Saturday 6/25
10.2 miles
The plan was to get up, out, and running by 7am.  That did not happen, shocker.  Even though I know that B loathes my Saturday morning runs he made every attempt to wake me up and get my butt going this morning.  He doesn't hate the fact that I run, he hates the aftermath of it all.  For one, it takes me forever these days to get my long runs in.  For instance, this morning I left the house at 7:30, started running around 8:10, finished at 11:00, and wasn't home until around 11:30am.  That's 4 hours total for those of you who don't fee like doing the math.  On top of me being gone for that time my normal ritual when I return is that of: take a shower, eat something, and then go into a deep, dark, running induced coma for no shorter than two hours.  Being pregnant has extended my post-run exhaustion.  To the point, hub is pretty bored on Saturdays because I'm either gone or completely worthless until the mid to late afternoon.  Today I'm going to break the ugly cycle but doing my best to avoid the post-workout coma.  So far, so good.

When I got to the park I checked the weather which was 80 degrees with 79% humidity - fun.  Lately the first 1-2 miles I have noticed that my mind and body go into somewhat of a panic mode.  My heart and breath both race like I'm mentally trying to psych myself out.  On top of that my calves were burning for some reason this morning.  Things were not looking good for the 10 mile run that I had planned.  After 2 miles I was soaked and the air was so thick I could literally see it.  Once I actually got into the park though, everything changed.  I got a tiny spring in my step, put my head down, and go a good rhythm going.  Granted the rhythm that I found was a 13:30 minute one, which normally would have mortified me but today felt very natural.  I took that rhythm and drifted off into my little running happy place where I daydream and think about everything going on in my life.  I easily got to the end of the trail where I was to turn around and felt the best during miles 5-8.  I felt fast even though I clearly wasn't.  Next thing I knew I was back at the entrance of the park feeling pretty damn good about myself.  Less than two miles to go, sweet.  Wrong.  Those last two miles were on the verge of excruciating.  Not in a painful way but in a very self-aware kind of way.  It was like I was in tune with every motion that my body was making, every muscle constricting, every breath going in and out.  I knew that I was mentally forcing my body to comply and it did.  Don't worry all you judgers out there.  Even if you don't verbalize it, I know you're out there reading and thinking, "If you couldn't physically finish your run then you shouldn't have.  Remember you're pregnant."  That's the thing, I CAN do it and I KNOW that I can, which makes all the difference.  I'm not overexerting myself, my heart rate isn't out of control, I was hydrated, and I was able to talk if needed.  I follow the guidelines and I know my body.  I could do it, I just needed to put all of my will into finishing and I did.  If half-marathon day was today I would have and could have finished it within the time range that I'm shooting for.  I'm not "training" I'm living the lifestyle that I created for myself and am glad that I've been able to keep it up.

Pain in the butt realization:  During my 10.2 mile run I had to stop to pee three times.  That is only going increase.   

Sunday 6/26
Rest Day

Monday 6/27
Rest Day
This was not intentional at all.  I was hoping that summer school training would be the same as it has been the past 5 years, but it was not.  What's happened in previous years was that we'd have a meeting/breakfast at our home school and then head off to training.  When we got to training we would get our materials and then be dismissed shortly after if we've taught the program before (it's the same every summer).  Because of this I had packed my workout clothes and was planning on hitting up strength spin class at 11:30 before grabbing a quick lunch to head back to get my classroom ready.  Unfortunately, I had to sit through two ridiculous trainings where fellow teachers griped, moaned, and complained all the while.  Fun.  I'm all mental so when my planned workout gets screwed up I can't get myself back together.  The result of that is an unexpected rest day...

Tuesday 6/28
60 min. RPM spin

Wednesday 6/29
2 mile walk w/dogs
Walking the dogs is exercise in itself.  I have a Weimaraner (80 lbs) and a Pit-Bull mix (60 lbs).  The Weim. wants to sniff and pee on everything in sight while doing his best to try to drag me down the sidewalk while the pit-bull mix is a horrible leash walker and doesn't realize he's attached.  I would have liked to go further than 2 miles and even jog a little of the way, but those to num-nums don't make it very easy.  It's alright though.  I'm only trying to fulfill one of the items on my baby bucket list: walk the dogs more.  It wore them out and they were passed out all over the house for the rest of the night.  Score!

Thursday 6/30
Rest Day
I went to the beach instead, sue me :)

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