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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Girls on the Run 5k

For the past 10 weeks, since March 14th, I have been coaching a Girls on the Run team with three other women at a local elementary school.  My Monday's and Thursday's were pretty full with the regular school day and then having to jet over to a different school for GOTR practice.  This running club was one of the reasons I left my old job in Newport News.  I wanted to coach some kind of sports team so badly and now I can.
Girls on the Run is a really great program.  Each team is made up of fifteen 3rd-5th grade girls.  Half of each practice is made up of a guidance-like lesson that helps the girls understand themselves, build their confidence, open up, and get comfortable in their own skin.  The other half of the practice is focused on stretching and running.  The end goal of GOTR is a community wide 5k that is made up of all of the Girls on the Run clubs in our area plus anyone from the community who also wants to run.  The 5k also acts as a fundraiser for the next season.
Coaching after school was particularly difficult during the first trimester.  While I didn't have any other symptoms I was much more tired than normal.  I was basically forcing myself to workout and run with the girls.  I am so grateful for having those girls as a motivation when all I wanted to do was sleep because if I had let myself completely slip off the workout radar, I may not be 'allowed' to continue.  Even though I loved coaching, the new people I got to meet, and of course the girls I have to admit that I was happy that the final day was approaching.

5k Recap 
I ran the Shamrock half-marathon two days after I got a positive result on the pregnancy test.  Since then I have been doing pretty regular workouts, but haven't participated in any 'races'.  I knew I'd be able to take it easy on this 5k because I would be running with one of the girls.  About half of them were pretty quick and the other half were walk/runners during practice.  I knew I just needed to pair up with someone who wasn't going to try to break the speed barrier.  I haven't run a 5k in a long time.  I just don't see the point in them anymore since I do at least 5k on the treadmill/elliptical machine when I'm at the gym.  My best time was 27 minutes and I haven't been able to break that.  I think I have hit a plateau on my short distance times.  Honestly, running less than a 10k really doesn't interest or challenge me anymore.
Like I said earlier, these girls really have inspired me this season.  My running buddy Lizzy not only inspired me but immensely impressed me on 5k day.  I noticed after the run had already started that Lizzy didn't have a running buddy.  All of the girls are to be paired up with an adult for encouragement and partnership during the race.  Since she didn't have a buddy and I wasn't paired up with anyone I designated myself as her partner.  I can honestly say that I was not expecting a 'workout' on 5k day.  Lizzy gave me a run for my money.  She was at a steady run for over a mile.  I had to concentrate to keep up with her!  This was my first run where I wasn't thinking, "I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant."  I easily psych myself out with my thoughts.  This whole pregnant thing psyches me out.  I know myself, I know my body, I know my heart rate but somewhere in my deep, dark subconscious is that little devil saying, "You can't do this, you're pregnant."  To that little devil and to all the people that scrunch up their faces or make comments that I'm still working out I say, "SHUT UP!"  I am healthy, I am in shape, and I am going to have a easier delivery because I am keeping my body in check.  One of my fellow runners made this comment, "What do you think labor is?  It's hours and hours of cardio work."
I went off in a rant.  The point was that while I didn't PR in the least (we came in around 43 minutes - by far my worst 5k time) but I felt fantastic because I didn't hold back because of the thoughts in my mind.  Lizzy needed me and I was there for her.  She was the perfect running buddy for me.  We ran and ran and ran.  When she got tired we walked and then started up again.  What a fantastic end to a season of ups and downs.
Until next season I say, "Girls on the Run is so much fun! Girls on the Run is #1"

If you're interested in coaching a Girls on the Run team click here!

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