Our Little Lady

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Boy Dreams?

After checking the latest poll results I notice that you all are thinking what I am starting to think... the baby is a boy.  Let's recap, shall we?
  • No pregnancy symptoms - if I didn't know there was a baby in there right now I STILL wouldn't have very strong indicators that I was pregnant.
  • The desire for salty/sour foods
  • My belly, while not actually showing much yet, appears to be starting to come straight out from the middle instead of all over.
As I have posted before, RH told me that I would start dreaming about what the baby was.  The one time I had a gender specific dream it was that I was having a boy.  Lately though I have noticed some strange 'trends' in my dreams.  Two that I've had this past week seem to stick out the most in my memory.  One night I dreamt about bugs.  They were everywhere, but not in a Fear Factor sort of way.  They were basically hanging out not bothering anyone.  I wasn't creeped out by them either which would never happen in real life.  Later in the same dream a swarm of bees appeared.  I don't remember them being particularly friendly, but I wasn't running from them so they must have been okay.  Of course I can't find it now but I read somewhere that dreaming of bugs indicated boy.

This next one I have no explination for other than I doubt that "sugar and spice and everything nice" would bring this much craziness to a dream.  I was on the beach with someone, no clue who, when the waves started getting Tsunami-like.  The water receeded and a wall of waves began crashing down upon us.  I remember thinking "hold your breath" but the waves never actually submerged us or even got us wet.  I'm sorry but I think boy on that one as well.  My dreams have just been different lately.  I have never dreamt about bugs to my recolection.  I have dreamt about the ocean but never in a traumatic sort of way.

I don't know guys but I feel like my "boy or girl"-o-meter is starting to finally sway to one side.  At this point, five weeks away, I'm thinking 60/40 it's a boy...

...watch, I'll be completely wrong :)

1 comment:

  1. Not to burst your bubble, but with Nolan I craved sweets and onions, and I had morning sickness for a little while, but I also got bronchitis at the same time, which I think was making me sick. I felt pregnant from the beginning too, I was nauseous chewing gum at 4 weeks and my blood tasted weird (i had cracked lips and the blood tasted really irony).I don't know which way I gained weight, but I know that I carried him high for a while until he dropped for labor. But everyone is different! I did have a feeling that he was a boy, so maybe your intuition is telling you something :)
