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Yum! I'm carrying around one of my favorite fruits this week! Does this mean that the baby's in the Mango Mansion? |
Changes in Me
This has nothing to with the baby per say but I ate like a champion this week. My mom came down to hit the beach with me for a few days and we ended up getting a hotel room on the oceanfront. Who cares that I live a short 20 minute drive from the beach, we needed a mini-cation dammit! That's not the point. Pancakes, crab cakes, tacos, oh my! Yummy. Despite my critically awful eating habits lately, I haven't noticed a huge change in my body other than the bump that is steadily gaining distance from my core. I can still "hide" it in the right shirts, but I can tell that that's not going to last much longer. Besides, I think it's really cute when B gets all giggly when he can actually see my belly through my clothes. Adorable. He does this thing where he "air rubs" my belly. He's 6'2" and I'm 5'5" so he'll be standing up straight, hold out his hand like he's going to pet me, and then "air rubs" my belly. If you can't picture that, think of it this way... have you ever taken a picture, say with the Washington Monument (ie. The Pencil) and you try to make it look like you're squishing it or touching the top of it? It's kind of like that. He doesn't actually rub my belly, he rubs the air in front of me. I have to say that it's much more enjoyable than someone actually touching me. Since my stomach isn't hard I just feel like people are caressing my fat. No one wants their fat caressed. Unpleasant.
Another change, which I'm going to continue to harp on, are my humongoid boobs. I mean good Lord people. I was a double D to start with and I am sticking by the thought that not knowing is better because I do not want to know what size they are now. I had a hard enough time coping with the fact that I was a DD. I don't think that they look much larger than they normally do, but B can't help but comment on them daily. Not bad comments, funny ones. I don't think he can believe how out of control they're getting. On top of that, my nipples have decided to completely take over the breasts. It looks like they're weeds growing out of control or that they've suddenly decided to eat my breasts. B noticed them this week too. More funny comments. The one that sticks out the most came when I actually realized that my nipples were in the middle of a bresticle undertaking.
I said, "Oh my God you're right. They're the size of shot glasses!"
B replies with (haha - laughing as I type), "Shot glasses?! What are you talking about? They're more like small dinner plates."
"Dammit, you're right," I respond. Sigh. At least nipples are something I can hide.
While I'm talking about boobs and nipples I have to slip in something that I hoped I'd never experience. Chafing nipples while running. Guys, all I have to say is "ouch". Enough said there. I hope I don't have to use knee band-aids to cover my nips up while I run because regular band-aids won't cut it.
To all you moms out there, why the hell does the skin on my stomach feel like a reptile's? I mean, seriously! My tummy is constantly dry, I am lathering the thing with lotions/serums/pastes/butters, and still... lizard belly. Any input on that? While I'm talking about the belly I have noticed a faint line starting on my prime meridian. The dreaded linea nigra, so it's called, is beginning to show itself. I was desperately hoping that I would be exempt from getting the disgusting brown line, but it looks like I am not going to dodge that bullet. Gross is all I have to say about that. I joked and told my mom that I'm going to put SPF 50+ on the line and SPF 30 on the rest of my stomach to try and even it out. Maybe I'll break out the peach crayon from my childhood. Quick story: I have birthmarks on my right leg, they embarrassed me as a kid, and I tried to color over them with a peach crayon.
This is the last post that I will have to refer to Baby T as "it". Next week's blog posting will most likely be the gender reveal post, unless we decide we want to keep it from you all. Muahaha! No, we'll be telling, don't worry but don't expect to get a name out of us for a while because we literally have no clue what to name this child. We tabled the discussion until we know what the baby is. There are too many names and we have too many opinions, figured it might be a bit easier to narrow it down when we're comparing one list.
I feel baby flopping around in there at least once a day. Usually it's at night when I'm laying in bed, but sometimes I notice it during the day when I'm sitting down. One fun thing that has come to my attention is when the tiny one moves around while my bladder is closer to full than it is to empty. OMG. Let me try to describe: picture a waterbed. Now take two fingers and quickly push on the waterbed. Ok. That would be an accurate description of baby making contact with my bladder. What it actually feels like: think of what you feel like about 30-45 minutes before you reach the point of no return/pee your pants moment. Now, think of what your heartbeat feels like. Put an irregular heartbeat inside your pee your pants bladder and you have what I've been feeling the past few days. What's bad is that, that feeling is only going to get worse. Shudder.
At this point some people claim that the baby may be able to hear us. B plans on playing music to it. I joked and asked if he was going to make the baby a mixed tape. We laughed but I bet he will make a few mixed CD's especially when it's born and will listen to music while it sleeps. He's really into all kinds of music, which is good since my musical library consists of rap/hip hop, tiny bits of alternative, and some country thrown in here and there.
The body is now completely in proportion to itself. No more giant head and stumpy limbs!
The kidneys are producing urine, which is going into the amniotic fluid (vomit) and if it's going to have hair, the hair is starting to sprout. I like minimal hair on babies and am hoping that my child does not come out with a full head of hair (knocking on wood).
Baby development at this point isn't very exciting to me. Not like it was back when the baby looked like an extra-terrestrial fun-sucking parasite. It's easy to look at the ultrasound picture and go, "There's the baby!" It isn't as interesting as when the baby looked like a blob and I couldn't imagine how the hell it would turn into a human being.
19 weeks in clothes |
18.5 weeks - bathing suit shot |