Our Little Lady

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

THAT is our baby!?

n the past two weeks I have managed to read the following books:
The Best Baby Names Treasury - yes, I read through all two-million names.
Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy
The Walking Dead book #4 - not everything has to be baby related.
waiting for Skinny Bitch; Bun in the Oven to come in the mail (fingers crossed for tomorrow)

and I am currently reading "Week 6" of Your Pregnancy Week by Week.

Let me make this very clear: I do not read.  I'm not trying to be funny, I'm being dead serious.  I do NOT read.  My recent discovery of the zombie graphic novel The Walking Dead is the closest thing that I've done to "reading" since I tackled the Harry Potter series in the summer of 2007.

Back to the point of today's post: THAT is our baby!?
So I crack open my 600 page manual on pregnancy that is Your Pregnancy Week by Week to page 100, that's right I'm already on page 100 of 600.  On page 100 I begin to read about the 6th week of pregnancy, which actually means that the embryo is only 4 weeks old (another question that I will have for my first appointment).  Let's see:  I'm supposed to be gaining weight, vomiting, experiencing heartburn and/or reflux, and constipation.  While all of those bodily functions sound so appealing I am thankful that I am not a typical pregnant woman who has to go through all of that (knock on wood).  After reading about all of the really crappy things that I should be going through I flip the page and see a picture of what the baby looks like at week six and I think, "THAT is our baby!?"  The picture up above is the closest I could find online to the one in my book.  I am just baffled at the fact that THAT turns into a human.

I know that I pretty much love all things science.  I was a biology major for the first 3 years of college.  But the science of growing tiny humans inside of your body... that is freakishly amazing.  I pretty much grilled my besties with pregnancy and kid questions.  Not because I was pregnant at the time, because I wasn't, but because I was honestly curious.  This past summer Hubs and I went to Vegas for his 30th birthday.  In our hotel there was an exhibit called "Bodies".  I, of course, had to go to this.  It was an exhibit that featured real, actual, once living, human bodies!!!  It was truly amazing.  It was the most amazingly, fascinating museum exhibit I had ever seen.  Anyway, they had a whole section devoted to human development.   Unfortunately, this section featured actual embryos, fetuses, and babies who did not make it.  While it was a little sad, I felt so lucky to be able to witness how a baby grows and develops.  I wish I could remember that section better instead of relying on crazy artists' renderings of the stages of development.

My little babe has a tail RIGHT NOW.  Pretty crazy.

And for some other odd reason the author of this book decided to talk about how STD's will affect the baby.  Let's just say that I didn't have to read much of this chapter, thank God.

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