Our Little Lady

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 28, 2011

6 weeks

Today by my guesstimate I am 6 weeks pregnant.  Apparently that means that Baby T is actually only 4 weeks old.  This pregnancy thing is very confusing.  It doesn't help that I ordered myself a 600+ page book that has more information about one topic then I think I learned in high school all four years put together.


I can't wait to be able to ask my lady friends questions.  I have a feeling that I'm going to be one of those preggos that calls the nurses line once a week with questions.  I already did today and it's only 10am.  Legit questions: Can I take my Lactaid?  What can I take for headaches?
I have been reading online that morning sickness usually hits hard around week 6 and I woke up this morning thinking that I was nausiated.  Thank God I was just so hungry that I was nautious :)  Took care of that pretty quickly.  My pants feel tight, but they usually do when I am at this weight (140) which is at slightly above my goal range (132-138).  I haven't gained any weight yet, which is awesome. 
It's amazing how baby can completely set you right back on track.  Since finding out I have been eating awesome!  Fruits, veggies, whole grains, lots of water, and very little "snacky" foods.  I have also been back to the gym on the regular.  Honestly, I have been less hungry since Baby T made its' debut on March 18th.  Maybe it's because I've been eating better and therefore have been more satisfied.
I took also took my first belly picture. I look the same, but I wanted to have a 'before' picture to compare.  I wonder if anything will change in the next week.  I am hoping that I can stay tucked away until I get a job for next year.  I don't know if a new boss would like me taking maternity leave Thanksgiving week-mid January.  At least I'll get two holidays that won't count against my time off.  I'll get a full two months :)

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