Our Little Lady

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

9 months -- 36 weeks -- 252 days

This week marks the official beginning of the end.  As of Monday I now visit the doctor on a weekly basis.  Today when I was there they just did the same old routine: pee in cup, get weighed, blood pressure check, measure fundal height, and listen to the heartbeat.  I thought they were going to start checking my cervix today, but that is going to start next week.  Fun times.
  • heartbeat was 146bmp
  • fundal height was exactly 36cm - right on track from last week's 34cm
  • she's head down with most of her body hanging out on my left side
I also had the big maternity leave discussion with work Monday morning.  All we did was go through the calendar to get an idea of when I'd go out and when I'd return.  People keep asking me if I'm sure I'm going to come back.  Umm... duh.  Unless someone else is going to pay me for staying at home I kind of have to go back to work.  I know why they are asking here though.  Last year they hired a new teacher, she went out on maternity leave in October saying that she was going to come back after Christmas break, and then quit.  They couldn't get anyone in to fill her spot until February.  Craziness.  So, as of now, my last day of work will be November 18th and my return date will be either January 2nd or 9th.  I am planning on working until she comes so if she doesn't come over the weekend of November 19th-20th, I'll be back at work on the 21st.  That's only a 2 1/2 day work week anyway.  I know there are some skeptics out there thinking I'm nutso, why don't I take time out before she comes, yadda-yadda.  For what?  Seriously?  What are you expecting me to do?  I'm sure your answers are: clean the house, spend some time for myself, hang out with Bryan, etc. but we do that at night and on the weekends.  If I took time out before she came all I would be doing is taking away from time that I'd get to have with her once she's actually here.  I only have six weeks guys.  Six weeks and it's back to the grindstone.  The way it's looking right now I'm either going to have to go on disability for a week or two or go a week or two without pay because I only have 21 sick days saved up.  I'm definitely not going to use them to lounge around the house in my underwear.

This week we've also checked out a pediatrician and ANOTHER day care center.  I have to know how the hell people pay for daycare.  $200-275 per WEEK!  I was talking to my boss about how outrageous day care was and said that I could buy a new Lexus for that price per month.  Her hilarious response was, "Maybe that's why so many people name their kids after cars -- because that's what they really wanted to spend that money on."  I almost died.  Too funny.  Seriously though.  $800-1000 a month?  When you break it down it's really only $6-7 an hour but damn.  Thank God I have summers off because we're going to need to recoup our bank account then.  We still haven't picked a day care, go figure, but we have picked a Pediatrician!
Crenshaw Melon?

Time Left:  2-4 weeks
                   14-36 days

Size of Baby:  weight = almost 6 lbs.
                        length = 18.5 inches

Fruit comparison --------------------}

Weight Gain:  Starting weight = 140 lbs.
                         Current weight = 171 lbs.
                         Total weight gain = 31 lbs.

My Body: 

This is about to get very TMI folks so brace yourselves.  I have now reached the point where I cannot see ANYTHING directly below my belly.  Use your imagination here.  Yes, I can bend over a little and see my thighs, knees, shins, and feet but I cannot see other places directly under my belly.  Have any of you ladies, or gentlemen I suppose, tried to landscape around Ladytown with a razor, mirror, and a prayer before?  I would not recommend it.  Not that I can totally see the final product but I'm pretty damn sure that the path leading into Ladytown is seriously lacking curb appeal.  I told Bryan that I almost used his mini hair clippers instead of going in blind with a razor and he almost vomited so I'm glad that I didn't.  Hey, I was getting desperate.  I was in the shower so long trying to maneuver that I started to run out of hot water.  Desperate times call for desperate measures.

The Nursery:

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